Compilation Configuration

The compilation configuration defines the parameters to use while compiling a target file or project.


  • Type: String
  • Description: Refers to the type of platform to be used to compile the underlying target. Currently, crytic-compile or solc can be used as the compilation platform.
  • Default: crytic-compile


  • Type: Struct
  • Description: This struct is a platform-dependent structure which offers parameters for compiling the underlying project. See below for the structure of platformConfig for each compilation platform.
  • Default: The platformConfig for crytic-compile is the default value for this struct.

platformConfig for crytic-compile


  • Type: String
  • Description: Refers to the target that is being compiled.

    🚩 Note that if you are using a compilation platform, such as Foundry or Hardhat, the default value for target, ., should not be changed. The . is equivalent to telling crytic-compile that the entire project needs to compiled, including any dependencies and remappings. In fact, unless you want to compile a single file, that has no third-party imports from, for example, OpenZeppelin, the default value should not be changed.

  • Default: .


  • Type: String
  • Description: Describes the version of solc that will be installed and then used for compilation. Note that if you are using a compilation platform, such as Foundry or Hardhat, this option does not need to be set.
  • Default: ""


  • Type: String
  • Description: Describes the directory where all compilation artifacts should be stored after compilation. Leaving it empty will lead to the compilation artifacts being stored in crytic-export/.
  • Default: ""


  • Type: [String]
  • Description: Refers to any additional args that one may want to provide to crytic-compile. Run crytic-compile --help to view all of its supported flags. For example, if you would like to specify --compile-force-framework foundry, the args value will be "args": ["--compile-force-framework", "foundry"].

    🚩 The --export-format and --export-dir are already used during compilation with crytic-compile. Re-using these flags in args will cause the compilation to fail.

platformConfig for solc


  • Type: String
  • Description: Refers to the target that is being compiled. The target must be a single .sol file.