generates code properties (e.g., invariants) that can be tested with unit tests or Echidna, entirely automatically. Once you have these properties in hand, use Crytic to continuously test them with every commit.
Note: slither-prop
only supports Truffle for now. We'll be adding support for other frameworks soon!
How to Use Slither's Property Generator
There are four steps:
Step 1. Generate the tests
slither-prop . --contract ContractName
will generate:
- Solidity files containing the properties
to configure Echidna- One Truffle migration file
- Two Truffle unit-test files
For example on examples/slither-prop.
Write contracts/crytic/interfaces.sol
Write contracts/crytic/PropertiesERC20BuggyTransferable.sol
Write contracts/crytic/TestERC20BuggyTransferable.sol
Write echidna_config.yaml
Write migrations/1_TestERC20BuggyTransferable.js
Write test/crytic/InitializationTestERC20BuggyTransferable.js
Write test/crytic/TestERC20BuggyTransferable.js
Update the constructor in contracts/crytic/TestERC20BuggyTransferable.sol
To run the unit tests:
truffle test test/crytic/InitializationTestERC20BuggyTransferable.js
truffle test test/crytic/TestERC20BuggyTransferable.js
To run Echidna:
echidna-test . --contract TestERC20BuggyTransferable --config echidna_config.yaml
Step 2. Customize the constructor
Next, update the constructor in contracts/crytic/TestX.sol
On examples/slither-prop/contracts, update the constructor as follow:
constructor() public{
_balanceOf[crytic_user] = 1 ether;
_balanceOf[crytic_owner] = 1 ether;
_balanceOf[crytic_attacker] = 1 ether;
_totalSupply = 3 ether;
// Update the following if totalSupply and balanceOf are external functions or state variables:
initialTotalSupply = totalSupply();
initialBalance_owner = balanceOf(crytic_owner);
initialBalance_user = balanceOf(crytic_user);
initialBalance_attacker = balanceOf(crytic_attacker);
Step 3. Run the unit tests with Truffle
The first unit test file, named InitializationX.js
will check that the constructor has been correctly initialized:
$ truffle test test/crytic/InitializationTestERC20BuggyTransferable.js
Contract: TestERC20BuggyTransferable
✓ The total supply is correctly initialized. (47ms)
✓ Owner's balance is correctly initialized.
✓ User's balance is correctly initialized.
✓ Attacker's balance is correctly initialized.
✓ All the users have a positive balance. (69ms)
✓ The total supply is the user and owner balance. (38ms)
If all the unit tests passed, run the property tests:
$ truffle test test/crytic/InitializationTestERC20BuggyTransferable.js
Contract: TestERC20BuggyTransferable
✓ The address 0x0 should not receive tokens.
✓ Allowance can be changed. (108ms)
✓ Balance of one user must be less or equal to the total supply. (70ms)
✓ Balance of the crytic users must be less or equal to the total supply.
1) No one should be able to send tokens to the address 0x0 (transfer).
> No events were emitted
2) No one should be able to send tokens to the address 0x0 (transferFrom).
> No events were emitted
✓ Self transferFrom works. (115ms)
✓ transferFrom works. (108ms)
✓ Self transfer works. (89ms)
✓ transfer works. (97ms)
3) Cannot transfer more than the balance.
> No events were emitted
As you can see, the unit tests detect some of the bugs.
Step 4. Run the property tests with Echidna
$ echidna-test . --contract TestERC20BuggyTransferable --config echidna_config.yaml
contains different scenarios that can be specified with the --scenario NAME
Here are the available scenarios:
#################### ERC20 ####################
Transferable - Test the correct tokens transfer
Pausable - Test the pausable functionality
NotMintable - Test that no one can mint tokens
NotMintableNotBurnable - Test that no one can mint or burn tokens
NotBurnable - Test that no one can burn tokens
Burnable - Test the burn of tokens. Require the "burn(address) returns()" function
All properties
| Num | Description | Scenario |
| 0 | The address 0x0 should not receive tokens. | Transferable |
| 1 | Allowance can be changed. | Transferable |
| 2 | Balance of one user must be less or equal to the total supply. | Transferable |
| 3 | Balance of the crytic users must be less or equal to the total supply. | Transferable |
| 4 | No one should be able to send tokens to the address 0x0 (transfer). | Transferable |
| 5 | No one should be able to send tokens to the address 0x0 (transferFrom). | Transferable |
| 6 | Self transferFrom works. | Transferable |
| 7 | transferFrom works. | Transferable |
| 8 | Self transfer works. | Transferable |
| 9 | transfer works. | Transferable |
| 10 | Cannot transfer more than the balance. | Transferable |
| 11 | Cannot transfer. | Pausable |
| 12 | Cannot execute transferFrom. | Pausable |
| 13 | Cannot change the balance. | Pausable |
| 14 | Cannot change the allowance. | Pausable |
| 15 | The total supply does not increase. | NotMintable |
| 16 | The total supply does not change. | NotMintableNotBurnable |
| 17 | The total supply does not decrease. | NotBurnable |
| 18 | The total supply does not decrease. | Burnable |