Slither Configuration

The Slither configuration defines the parameters for using Slither in medusa. Currently, we use Slither to extract interesting constants from the target system. These constants are then used in the fuzzing process to try to increase coverage. Note that if Slither fails to run for some reason, we will still try our best to mine constants from each contract's AST so don't worry!

  • 🚩 We highly recommend using Slither and caching the results. Basically, don't change this configuration unless absolutely necessary. The constants identified by Slither are shown to greatly improve system coverage and caching the results will improve the speed of medusa.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Description: If true, Slither will be run on the target system and useful constants will be extracted for fuzzing. If cachePath is a non-empty string (which it is by default), then medusa will first check the cache before running Slither.
  • Default: true


  • Type: String
  • Description: If cachePath is non-empty, Slither's results will be cached on disk. When medusa is re-run, these cached results will be used. We do this for performance reasons since re-running Slither each time medusa is restarted is computationally intensive for complex projects. We recommend disabling caching (by making cachePath an empty string) if the target codebase changes. If the code remains constant during the fuzzing campaign, we recommend to use the cache.
  • Default: slither_results.json


  • Type: [String]
  • Description: Refers to any additional args that one may want to provide to Slither. Run slither --help to view all of its supported flags. For example, if you would like to specify --foundry-out-directory out, the args value will be "args": ["--foundry-out-directory", "out"].

    🚩 The --ignore-compile, --print, and --json are already used during compilation with Slither. Re-using these flags in args will cause the compilation to fail.

  • Default: []